Tübingen: The Progressive Blog - Amerika mal anders

The ProgBlog ist das Blog der 'Tübingen Progressive Americans': http://tpa.twoday.net/

Watt is datt?

We are a group of concerned Americans who live in and around Tübingen. We vary in age, education and profession, but we agree that America is on the wrong track.

We call for foreign and domestic policies based on the long-term interests of the American people and the world.

We favor policies based on the active support of and cooperation with the international organizations that America was decisively involved in creating and within the limits of international laws and norms which America was decisively involved in formulating.

We join a long American tradition in calling for an end to policies of empire. We reject the militarization of our economy and our foreign policy.

Eines der Mitglieder der Gruppe kenne ich seit meinem Collegesemester 1988 in den USA. Unter den Leuten, mit denen ich etwas öfter zu tun habe, kenne ich nur meine Frau (minimal) länger als ihn ;)

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