David Rowan: Your body is an API #next11

David Rowan about collecting data from your body. (Wired UK)

Community: "Patients Like me" _> ALS-Litzhium-Experiment. Testing on 150 instread of on 16.
Finding: Lithium does not help against ALS. Science was pushed forward.

Another community tracked 500 patients with depression what symptoms they had.
Exercise and sleep were helping.. alcohol was bad. But also music had an effect.

Asthma: Spiroscout tracks inhaler usage with gps and frequency.
Creates data we did not have before.

Selftracing, personal informatics.

* traineo
* MIT site that visualizes any data you enter
* zeo: tracks sleep patterns
* Runkeeper
* Loic Lemeur tracks sleep and weight in relation to his runs
* 23andme: analyzes your DNA, risk analysis - You can counter the risk

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