#rp09 @adamclyde : the social media experiment is over #smartcities

Adam Christensen:
- social web experiments at ibm: values for businss and society
- make our world and cities smarter

soacial media withou vale (the "why") will fails

value is the "unknown x".

What exactly is "success" of social media like?

Sm is not "for the sake of engaging" but for deliverable value

the business model and the corporate culture have to be in accord.

Opportunnity areas:
- business
- government
- citizens

cases: obama open for questions

400000 employees
170 country
b2b, no consumer
company of "experts"

- flatten organization
- learn
- influence

16000 internal blogs
1000s external blogs
1000+ twiitter
40000 on ying
55000 on facebook 200000+ on linkedin

1 million wiki pageviews

150000 peole
46000 ideas
10 new businesses
100 million dollars (10 million each)

"bring ideas from research labs to market" 2006

ibmers, clients, partners, family members, academics

3 day online brainstorming

-> "Smarter Planet": instrumented, interconnected, intelligent

solutions come through technology only partly ((but also through behavior))

-> energy water healthcare traffic

in 2.5 months there will be a meeting with politicians in Berlin.

share in twitter:
what would make your city smarter?
#smartcity #(cityname)

deutsch: einsmarterplanet.tumblr.com

see also on slideshare.com/adamclyde

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