The Starfish and the Spider- der Seestern und die Spinne - dezentralisierte Organisationen

The Starfish and the Spider %u2014 newthinking store

The book @

Martin Koser also blogged live.

My twitter notes, read from bottom to top:

beckstöm: twiki gets a company that is somewhat more centralized than the community but it has got to collaborate. about 13 hours ago Icon_star_empty Icon_trash
beckstöm: americans are good in invention but bad in collaboration. the tesla electric sportscar has no factory. 100% outsourcing. about 13 hours ago
beckstöm: if you attack a decentralized network you make it more decentralized and more vicious. about 13 hours ago
beckstöm: the internet is decentralized. the phonograph centralized the record systems. (5 labels own 80% in 2000) p2p decentalized it again ... about 13 hours ago
beckstöm: the apaches were not centralized, so north america was harder to conquer. they went nomadic and guerilla. the apaches expanded. about 13 hours ago
beckstöm: cortez found the leader of 15 million aztecs. killed the royal family. they damaged the centralized infrastructure and won. about 13 hours ago
beckstöm: cortez burned the boats after arriving in mexico. no retreat. the found the aztecs. 400 vs 15 million. about 13 hours ago
beckstöm: if you cut off 5 arms of a starfish you get 5 starfish. about 13 hours ago
beckstöm: decentralized networks have structure. if you cut off the legof a spider it lives, if you cut off the head it dies. about 13 hours ago
beckstöm: pakistani told him: al quaeda is an ideology, not an organization. the strength is in the ideas, not inthe processes. about 13 hours ago
beckstöm: CEO-peace network was meant to be modeled after al quaeda. decentralized networks. developing a vocabulary. unsing the al q. manu ... about 13 hours ago
beckstöm: was a hightech ceo and environmentalist. stopped everything. dedicated 3.5 years to work for peace. network of ceos for peace. about 13 hours ago
beckstöm: book born from 9/11. his customers died in the tower. his wife had almost been on the plane. about 13 hours ago
at "new thinking" #berlin w/ Rod Beckstrom: The Starfish and the Spider. "Bloggers are taking over publishing."

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