Skype-Spam, MLM, Skype Spammer, My Video Talk

Chat Protokoll, lediglich meine Vertipper wurden ediert:

Chat History with (jeremymc77)

Created on 2005-09-14 13:33:11.


Jeremy: 12:58:16

Are you open to an opportunity?

Oliver Gassner: 13:28:13

If you have something to day, say it. I'm not gonna surf to random webpages that are spammed to me. I will report spam to Skype.

Jeremy: 13:28:40

ok - i am sorry.

Oliver Gassner: 13:29:19

Well If you have something to say, say it. but don't tease me.

Jeremy: 13:29:19

I wanted to know if these technologies will benefit you - but I guess you are not interrested Oliver

Oliver Gassner: 13:29:40

which technologies, Make a sentence that is intelligible and keep any blabla to yourself.

Jeremy: 13:30:11

video emails and video webmeetings are you interrested in any of these technologies. If yes - have a look @ this website

Oliver Gassner: 13:30:28

I don't want a pitch I want information if you cannort give it I assume you are just a spammer. why do you contact me? Which of my projects did prompt you to do that?

Oliver Gassner: 13:30:44

Tell me why I should be interested. Why do you contact me?

Oliver Gassner: 13:31:28

BTW I reserve the right to publish this call and your ID on my blog If you are not a spammer you won't mind, right?

Jeremy: 13:31:32

baisally I am a rep in My Video Talk. Its network marketing.

Oliver Gassner: 13:32:14

If you are so famous you will not mind publicity. Right?

Jeremy: 13:32:25

If you are interredted in an extra income let me know, and we will talk. If not - thank you for your time.

Oliver Gassner: 13:32:49

Well thanks for being my first Slkype Spammer ;) I'll block you now ;)

Danke, eBay. (Oder so ;) )

Ich hab mir das Angebot nicht angeguckt. Ich rat mal: Mist.

Facebook Kommentare


OliverG hat gesagt…
deswegen fing der typ ja damit auch nicht an. wobei der iq-bereich, auf den er abzielt, das ggf. auch nicht kennt.
Marc 'Zugschlus' Haber (anonym) hat gesagt…
Dass da nur crap verkauft wird, war eigentlich klar, als das Wort "Network Marketing" fiel.