Blog statistics

David Sifry of Technorati writes:
One year ago, when I started Technorati on a single server in my basement, we were adding between 2,000-3,000 new weblogs each day, not counting the people who were updating sites we were already tracking. In March of this year, when we switched over to a 5 server cluster, we were keeping up with about 4,000-5,000 new weblogs each day. Right now, we're adding 8,000-9,000 new weblogs every day, not counting the 1.2 Million weblogs we already are tracking. That means that on average, a brand new weblog is created every 11 seconds. We're also seeing about 100,000 weblogs update every day as well, which means that on average, a weblog is updated every 0.86 seconds.

That to those who only see a moonscape from deserted blogs...


Kurz: Laut dem Blog-Scandienst gibt es täglich rund 4500 Weblogs MEHR. Alle 0,86 Sekunden wird irgendwo im Netz ein Weblog aktualisiert. (Das für die, die nur eine MOIndlandschaft aus inaktuellen Weblogs sehen.)


- via Joi Ito -

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