[This entry refers to tech on my old blog, RSS for English posts on this blog is:
As I sometimes comment on content in English or trackback to English content I thought I should offer a 'seperate' channel with seperate RSS. (I cannot (yet) do multiple categories per entry.)
RSS: http://typo.twoday.net/topics/english/index.rdf
Many people used Google Translation to figure out what I am writing and it might be better to put up with my English than using this crutch.
What I am planning is
a) Post summaries of the German content on the English RSS-Channel. (aggregated every week or so)
b) Post summaries of the English posts on the German categories. (aggregated every week or so)
c) Point from German articles to their English summaries and vice versa.
As I sometimes comment on content in English or trackback to English content I thought I should offer a 'seperate' channel with seperate RSS. (I cannot (yet) do multiple categories per entry.)
RSS: http://typo.twoday.net/topics/english/index.rdf
Many people used Google Translation to figure out what I am writing and it might be better to put up with my English than using this crutch.
What I am planning is
a) Post summaries of the German content on the English RSS-Channel. (aggregated every week or so)
b) Post summaries of the English posts on the German categories. (aggregated every week or so)
c) Point from German articles to their English summaries and vice versa.