10 things to do when you start using twitter.com

1 Add your Blog/site URL to your profile so that people can figure out who you are

2 Add your standard community pic to your profile so that people recognize you

3 If you plan to have many international followers, twitter in English

4 Twitter some interesting information

5 Twitter more interesting information

6 Search the blogs of people you know well for their twitter ID and follow them (twitter some interesting stuff in between so that they don't come to an almost empty page)

7 Use https://twitter.com/invitations/ to find people who are on twitter and who you already know - follow them, too.

8 Twitter some more good or funny info while you wait for them to follow you

9 look at their profiles and find more people there who are interesting or who you already know, follow them

10 use @NICKNAME to answer to twits by your peers and answer questions and be helpful

After you did that tell me here in the comments how that worked ;)

If you'd like some hints for advanced twitterers: also tell me in the comments.

If yoou have hints of your own that you wanna share: The comments are yours ;)

keywords: how2

Facebook Kommentare


Jan Beckers hat gesagt…
Hallo Oliver,

gutes Timing - habe gestern angefangen zu twittern und bin gerade (über twitter) auf deinen Beitrag gestossen...

Sehr hilfreich :-)


Debra Hamel hat gesagt…
I would recommend also getting a third-party app to make Twittering more enjoyable: http://twitter.pbwiki.com/Apps
oliver hat gesagt…
I wanted to save that for the hints for advanced users. I think for the start the website is fine.

You might also wanna check my list of [url=http://del.icio.us/OliverG/twitter+tools]twitter tools[/url]

Leave away the +tools to see all my bokmarked twitter articles.
Pierro hat gesagt…
die Option mit dem gmail account klingt verlockend; hatte vor einiger Zeit
schon davon gelesen - nur ist dies denn wirklich ratsam ?
Bin etwas unversucht meine Login Daten twitter zu "uebermitteln" . .
oliver hat gesagt…
Na ja, ich hab meine Gmaildaten schon viel zu oft jemand verraten und keine Sau arbeitet dafür meine Mails ab ;)
Sheri Larsen hat gesagt…
I've using the Firefox Twinbin (http://www.twitbin.com) extension very helpful. It allows me to post and monitor the people I follow as I'm working but is not as intrusive as twitter4skype.
Sheri Larsen hat gesagt…
I've been using the Firefox Twinbin (http://www.twitbin.com) extension very helpful. It allows me to post and monitor the people I follow as I'm working but is not as intrusive as twitter4skype.
oliver hat gesagt…
Yep I follow 200+ people and IM has stopped wirking for me. I used Twitbin some days ago when I was twittering for a customer from an event and still wanted to have my own account on the web. Using the web is still fine for me ;) I find most tools hare clunky to grant me access to my replies or private msgs.
Pierro hat gesagt…
Na Herr Gassner; wenn ich die Mail "subscribe the comment" 2 mal erhalte, benoetige ich bald ebenfalls eine Hilfskraft :) Salut
oliver hat gesagt…
a) Wenn ich weiß, was das Problem ist, kann ich Ihnen gegebenenfalls helfen; aktuell verstehe ich noch nicht genau, was das Problem ist (welche Mail genau haben Sie doppelt an welche Adresse mit welchem Text bekommen?) bitte forwards an -> og ät carpe.com

b) an sich sollte die Mail eine Unsubscribefunktion haben (ich hab ja meine Kommentare nicht subskribiert, da ich eh all per Mail kriege ,) )
oliverg hat gesagt…
You are welcome. (A Turkish Emo-Forum, how quaint ;) )