Yesterday's Twits

  • 2008 will be in beta for366 days. be productive, live, love, make friends and the world a better place. . #
  • reading us-HNY-twits and .de & .fr wakeup twits on new year's morning in bed. no headche. nice. now up. #
  • btw clue/cluedo is cooler than I remembered from the 80ies :) need that game :) (new year's resolution) #
  • any of my contacts in tuebingen today? send a d-msg pls :) #
  • @heiko just record forrest gump ;) #
  • yep, my post on how to remove red wine strains from the carpet harvests google hits again ;) #3 among the incoming keywords #
  • total google hit 4 the holidays is how to get an itunes account w/o a credit card ;) #
  • @sichelputzer i twittered far later than the fireworks ;) #
  • @cbgreenwood I did exactly that in the case of h**sgot ;) #
  • @dominik everybody besides you is hungover ;) (and the bar ppl are tired ;) ) #
  • @luebue sure you can sub to keywords or URLs #
  • @luebue an URL-search-subscription via RSS at technorati wll give you the blog reactions on a post (even on a twit ;) ) #
  • @luebue I also had a search failiure I think they are repairing stuff @technorati #

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