Yesterday's Twits

  • is anybody feeding their shared greader links to delicious? how? #hoosgot #
  • @jovelstefan we could actually 'auction' our to-do-list for project-d tasks. highest bidder comes first #
  • LOL 8and I do not usually use this abbrev.) (geek porn) #
  • @kosmar how boring life in the capital is ;) (BTW, start for project D is on monday...) we need to chat ;) #
  • which sd-cards 1-2 GB available in Germany work with treo 650, I keep having problems ;( #hoosgot #
  • @sixtus so you are going underground? or to monaco? #
  • @podpinp the references here might help: (and you have unanswered mail from me re: dld ;) ) #
  • @saschalobo maybe you can save time by not forgetting half? (saving time by not twittering does not count) #
  • @sichelputzer congrats to the heavyweight, you and the mother ;) (you will soon be able to go jogging together ;) ) #
  • I was tagging dreams tonight, scary ;) #
  • this is definitely my twit of the day (besides @sichelputzer's) #
  • @jovelstefan well, I told the @podpimp about project D he also finds it interesting. #
  • Wow, the local newspaper I sometimes work for now sends the notes about how much they owe me by e-mail. Since 2007 they publish online ;) #
  • argh, why can't i suddenly print from the laptop. It's in the network d*mmit. restart ;( #
  • @isabo das ist wenn der Winterschlaf in die Frühjahrsmüdigkeit übergeht, da gibt es Überlappungseffekte ;) #lostintranslation #
  • which 22 inch (widescreen?) monitor would you recommend, avaliable in germany, price ok, no porsche...? #hoosgot #
  • @isabo_ das ist wenn der Winterschlaf in die Frühjahrsmüdigkeit übergeht, da gibt es Überlappungseffekte ;) #lostintranslation #
  • cruelty to annimals #
  • @jovelstefan I already ghave ppl hitting my blog with google searches like 'project d gassner'. It's cauise I blog my twits ;) #
  • @franziskript great, me eoo. (1 hr walking in the freezing cold, almost slipped, but great ;) ) #

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