Yesterday's Twits

  • Looking for a pc-laptop that works with second life, now: what kinda graphics card exactly do I need at least? #hoosgot #
  • was, außer dass es kein mac ist, spricht gegen das teil hier: #
  • @macx I am getting an older G4 PPC for that purpose. the kids need something to play with after all ;) @dg_4und20 well ;) #
  • @ccmehil I believe you every word ;) any used ones? #
  • @ccmehikl although it's graphics card is not mentioned by Lindewn Lab as compatible ;( #
  • OK, differently, which laptop between 600 and 800 EUR would U buy? ;) (2GB RAM preferrably, 120+ GB HD preferrably). I still got a XP lic. #
  • @ccmehil I checked used ones, they are about as much as new ones from other producers. hard... #
  • @mwhiegl I have SOME room as far as EUR are concerned "ct" will have an article on subnotebooks on Monday, waiting 4 that ;) #
  • @mwhiegl well what I buy should be Windows. (For many Reasons), cause I already GEt an"old" mac ppc by a friend ;) #
  • @mwhiegl I am just listening to the stories of @podpimp - he has 'interesting effects' ;) will the one you suggestet eat my UMTS card someho #
  • Microsoft goes shopping and wants to buy Yahoo. Hope they also pledge to do no evil ;) #
  • the woobby guys are speaking a secret language in their messages. you need a dictionary to understand that ;) #
  • What is a (good) (business) blog? #
  • @paulinepauline I guess ppl use XING for dating. (not me ;) ) #
  • umpf umpf net hit from the past #
  • ffffound this again: if you need an invite to ffffound: just tell me ;) (d oliverg ) #

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  1. I would really love an invitation link to

    I put on huge art charity events around the world and I am an artist, so it would be much appreciated!!

    please send to


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  2. You probably don't have any invites left to ffffound but I would love one so much. Anyway, I love your blog!

    1. If you left your mail-adress I'll send you one ;)


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