- does the 'lex niggemeier' apply for articles and comments like here: tinyurl.com/2vdxmj #
- Play c64games on your PC tinyurl.com/3yetog (and kill more time than you can afford to ;) ) #
- URLs I click in twhirl are still opening in MSIE instead of Firefox, did anyone solve this prob? #hosgot #
- sched.org seems to be cool but down at the moment #
- ah finally my socialthing-invite, I was registred 4 the beta ;) #
- @kosmar whaaat? U R (a tad ;) ) older than me? #berufsjugendlicher #
- @twhirl @enypsilon thanks I'll try that ;) @blueelectric well I actually have one in case... #
- @hirnrinde vista #
- @enypsilon @twhirl works, great ;) #
- oops, facebok is not for dating but for global social change, sorry. www.viddler.com/explore/allfacebook/videos/13/ #
- xing message management is a mess. @danielahinrichs I hope you are working on that ;) #
- I think I have an adsense recird today, already over 3$. #
- r u @recommendr.com? www.recommendr.com/user/oliverg contact me ;) #
- Is anyone in my contacts into making (non digital!!! (sorry)) games for companies/advertising? #
- @danielahinrichs if i know a topic of a msg but not the name, how find it? I am only allowed to search for names #badwithnames #
- @danielahinrichs follower/stalker man merkt sich ja nicht, wen man schon gefragt hat ;) passiert mir sicher auch. #
- Soon off to xing live stuttgart tonite: 1900ff Rosenau, Stuttgart(West). Just stop by ;) #
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