Yesterday's Twits

  • surfing ith GPRS is extreeeeemly relaxing. too relaxing, actually. #wlan #broken #
  • going back to reading 'spook country' #morethanhalfdone #williamgibson #
  • @josefine @vlogdog #tätschel #hundekuchenwerf #
  • @rrho happy dingsbums #
  • @jklese I just put my all in 1 jaiku feed to friendfeed. in what way is ff different? #
  • @macoholic but then jaiku already gives me all kinds status info, right? I never got into tumblr. I use taitter and delicious to refer t ... #
  • @macoholic but then jaiku already gives me all kinds status info, right? I never got into tumblr. I use taitter and delicious 4 that. #
  • @macoholic but then jaiku already gives me all kinds status info, right? I never got into tumblr. I use twitter and delicious 4 that. #
  • @katha what is on sat1? kids compatible? #
  • @servicepionier how selfless ;) #
  • Kids playing (German) A: I got 3000$, A: $ are not valid any longer A: I got 3000 money. #
  • why is '' part of my 'Germany' newsticker on google desktop, hm? 90% irrelevant. #
  • wow twhirl has a cute feature now when yu reply, small icon of the person replied to in the icon field additiopnal to your own #
  • @sichelputzer the setting say 'Deutschland'. I think Ostmark has split off 1945... #
  • @themanuel Ah, THAT was the guy who bought the copy ;) have fun w/ it ;) #
  • gprs is little fun, back to the family again ;) (and maybe some 'spook country') #
  • why is clifford stoll doing these days? @cliffordstoll (justjoking) 1995: #
  • wikipedia days: [Clifford stoll] teaches eighth graders about physics at Tehiyah Day School, in El Cerrito, California. #
  • @thomas_j well Joe Weizenbaum was also sceptic, cause PCs don't solve the probs schools have. This _argument_ seems ok, not the consequence. #
  • @philippgrunwald those were my kids, they are better than tv and both podcast ;) and #
  • @dg_4und20 well I mainly use the web thingy. and your twittername is a pain to type *g* #
  • @thomas_j proably we both agree with stoll that it depends HOW U use computers @ school. #
  • How do you deal w/ ppl subscribing to your twitter if they follow 2000 or 5000 and have 20 or a 100 followers? #
  • 2 neue fragen: #
  • I guess I am too old for how does it WORK? (Or is it that I am not compatible to alphas?) #
  • @mic2007 couln't you make a tool for that? I have too many ppl follwing me each day ;) #
  • @lahe yep I also on some occasions do not follow back. in others I block. Like: following 4000, followed by 20. or 200. or so. #
  • @mix2007 what is the easiest and fastest way to determine the age of a twitteraccount? #
  • @tobybaier re: I am not sure abut autoblocking. BUt if there was a tool that would show me.. #
  • @tobybaier ... show me potential spammers among my twitterfiollowers I might react. (like ppl who follow so many they can't be listening...) #
  • @tobybaier although:

    * Following 15,212
    * Followers 14,993 that is @scobleizer symmetrical ;) #
  • @thomas_j ah that is the secret order those thingies are in ;) and why @biz stone and @ev are first ... #

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