About me / What I do

Short version:

Oliver Gassner, seit 1988 online, bloggt seit 2000. Berät, konzipiert und schult, trägt vor und schreibt zu Weblogs, Wikis, zum Social Web im Allgemeinen, Web3.D, Selbstmanagement, Bildung und Kreativität. - Eine Artikelauswahl für Erstleser zur Orientierung. - Bedanken?

Oliver has been online since 1988 and blogs since y2k -sometimes in English ( English RSS). -Links to translate blogpostings into English and French are found at the bottom of each article. - Oliver consults, does concepts, coaches and trains, speaks and writes about social media. web 3.D, self management, education and creativity. - If you wanna say 'thanks'...

Deutsche Lang-Version: nach unten blättern ;)

Long Version:

Although many people who I meet have heard my name - cause I am around since the early 90ies in the net and web - I am often asked: "What do you do?"

The short answer is: "Too many different things." The long answer is here:

* I learn things
I am curious. I try a lot. I use a lot of stuff that is online and try to figure out, how it works. I have been doing this since 1988. So I have seen and learned a lot. I try to understand why it works or does not and what might become of it. and I ask myself and others how to use it to better communicate, to solve problems and usually as a consequence save or even make money. Or improve their lives and businesses in some other way.

* Writing / Blogging
I blog and write about what I see and learn. Sometimes for customers on their blog (like a journalist or PR persions write for their customers - I just do it in blogs ;) ), sometimes on one of my own blogs (there are too many ;) ), sometimes for some online or offline "channel". Offline is rare nowadays.

* Presenting, evangelizing, explaining
I present on the stuff I learn about the 'social web' and try to apply it to the specific environments of the listeners. Educators, PR people, digital agencies, print journalists moving online, IT people in small to medium companies, smaller units in really large companies, you name it...
The explaining part is also often called 'consulting'. I am not sure I like this world.
The presenting and explaining can also take the form of workshops. where you do something together and learn from each other. I like this far better.
The evangelizing means that I tell you if I like something and why. And why I think it might be useful for you. It also means I tell you if I think something is great but not for you.
So if you want to ask: "How can I best use this social web stuff for my business or my life?" Ask me. :=) We'll work it out together.

* Online Projects
If people want to do something online I help them. Usually I also get help from designers and programmers -or even larger or specialized agencies - to make the projects a successful reality. I use my network for that. and I know some great people ;).
Very often these projects take the form of weblogs, wikis, communities, CMSs. But that actually depends. On what you want to achieve and what the best tools for this are.
I also have my own online projects sidnce the mid-90ies and am about to create some new ones and get the old ones to the 2.0-stage.

* Other stuff
On the side I have been teaching creative writing to adults and kids also since the early 90ies. Being creative is great and showing people how to improve their creative skills is even gerater. Call it a hobby.

Another side topic that I would like to expand and possibly merge with the social web topic is self management and productivity. It's actually similar to the writing/creativity topic in a way.
If we have more creative people who are organized well and who use the web and other communications tools well, we might end up with a somewhat better world. If you feel like it, you can call that my mission.

And what do you do? :)


Das Folgende ist nicht wirklich eine Übersetzung des obigen, ich habe es gerade in einem Forum geschrieben und dachte, es passt hier gut hin:


wie kommt man als Germanist und Anglist (der zudem 8 Jahre Gymnasiallehrer war) zur Beratung für Social-Web-Projekte?


als ich 1988 in den USA ein Auslandssemester hatte, war ich erstmals im Netz und erkannte wie spannend Computer sind, wenn man sie vernetzt. Und von programmierbaren tacshenrechner bs zum C564 war ich auch davor schon 'aufgestiegen'.

Irgendwann ergaben sich dann Web.-Projekte zur Literatur und daraus dann irgendwann der Ausstieg aus dem Brotjob und die Wechsel zum Freelancertum.

Da die (Literatur-)Soziologie und Kommunikationstheorie auch im Studium spannend waren, wurden dei dann auch bald das Zentrum dessen, was ich tue:

Ich zeige vom Freelancer bis zu 'dreibuchstabigen Großfirmen' wie man sich besser in Weblogs, Wikis, Social Networks und all dem anderen bewegt, was man so Social Web oder Web 2.0 nennt. Klarer Schwerpunkt sind dabei Weblogs und Micromessaging/Twitter.

Interessanterweise ist das immer wieder eine Frage der Kommunikationskultur - so jung sie auch sein mag.

Daneben beschäftige ich mich intensiv und notgedrungen mit Selbstmanagement - das ja auch nichts anderes als (möglichst erfolgreiche) 'Kommunikation mit dir selbst' ist.


Let's talk ;)


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Oliver Gassner. In drei Minuten als Video auf Vimeo, via BarCamp Offenburg von Simone Eisele. Intermezzo: Wer ist Oliver Gassner? from Simon Eisele on Vimeo.
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