- It would be cool if we could subtitle the web 2.0 film from Germany, right? Arent' there tools to do this collectively? #
- we knew that the net was just a big game tinyurl.com/56b9cl (german) #
- @timsk never worked with viddler. it would be hypercool as you could also subtitle te english stuff in german ;) #
- "(livercancer) is now following your updates on Twitter." no, not really, hm? #
- U can talk to me via chatbox or webliin on blog.oliver-gassner.de/ #
- I will mentiones several times today that I will have a reading tionite in Second Life: 2big.at/8ck #
- how do I add a list of mail adresse to a gmail contact group? csv did not work #
- @alipasha which site ;) by blog? carpe.com? #
- I am all in favor of subtitled movies on TV: tinyurl.com/5k3fvm #
- @kmto 20h, I'll be in sl after 1900, avatar: Oliver Gassner #
- a alipasha ich seh da nix irreguläres screenshot? #
- Hm, zude is really new and I already get spam? super. and I am too clueless to be able to add widgets. #gettingold #
- @alipasha danke für die hilfe beim debuggen #
- @dragonthief from the serach-dopdown? that stopped working for me 1-2 days ago #
- argh 10^3 bees no longer has a useful free option. who offers sth like that? #
- today 20:00 MEDT second life, reading from our sl book: tinyurl.com/6qyngo #
- podering a oliverg_noise twitter channel with far more (automatic) content. kidofa brain feed of mine #
- hey, phone conferences can be productive *g* #
- @mwhiegl sry I cant make it to pl0gbar stuttgart, senminar evening here in VAI #
- @timothyking in this case they got something going again and we got rid of the thing that w/ no phoneconf nothing would happen for a week #
- listening to rem 'end of the world as we know it' on zetrax.com/ #
- success, managed to integrate my first widget into a zude.com page this could be cool ;) #
- @uwebaltner I found "a smiling happy monsters" sonfd REM did w/ the muppets ;) #
- @tobitobsen i rarely listen to mucic either on the pc or even my mp3 player ;) thanks for the hint #
- listening to mozart on www.songza.com/ #
- @metronaut in what respect decentral? do you mean blogtv.com or mogulus or sth else? #
- inbox zero, bacon box zero, spam box zero, caught up ;) #
- some guy who understands what twitter is for: interaction & attention tinyurl.com/4pacpk (german) #
- ok guys do you want my part of the SL-Book reading on moguklus or blogtv.com? (german) #
- @actraiser what exactly? twitter? oh no ;) it gets traffic 2 Ur blog ;) #
- @actraiser others call blogging or computers a waste of time. tsts #
- hm, I should be quicker w/ my ideas www.jovoto.com/our-vision @rainer #
- @actraiser 90% of tv, 90% of any bookstore or library are a waste of time. so this is normal ;) I'd even go to 99% ;) #
- why do the google talk website gues chats only show up in my gail and not in my gtalk? #
- Ab 20 Uhr lesung in second life, olivia und ich lesen aus unserem SL-Buch. Und dskituieren und so. Ort: neocortexx Bar, Avt: Oliver Gassner #
- SLURL of your reading starting in 50 mions: tinyurl.com/5wbffz #
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