Luis Suarez: Life without work e-mail #next08 (IBM)

Luis is a social apps evangelist and gets less than seven e-mails a day.

E-Mail is a bad tool for collaboration.
The key is: the people behind the content.
The more email you reply to the more e-mail you get back.

"I moved away my conversations away from my e-mail." Exceptions are: sensitive and private conversations 1:1.

Concept: BTE^2: "behind the eyes and between the ears."

There is tacit, contextual (where do we work together) and explicit knowledge.

It's all about people and the communities they are involved in.

It is bad that companies block access to Second Life or Facebook via their proxies: People will do it anyway.

Tools: fringe (?), beehive (IBM Facebook), RSS, Quickr/Cattail, Sametime, Lotus Notes Email, Podcasts, Exec-Blogs, Dogear Bookmarks, Teamwiki, Activities, Personal blogs...

- breeds social networks
- creates "out of the inbox" thinking
- enables non-disruptive expertise consumption
- organzises the flow of ad hoc collaboration

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Falk Kähny hat gesagt…
the presentations of the event have been filmed and are now available under:

Best Regards

oliver gassner hat gesagt…
and here as a link:

[url=]EXXPLAIN[/URL] videos