Collaboration and learning about collabortion are good use cases for virtual worlds. If you learn to communicate better in game settings you can use this skill when working.
When peole start at IBM they get a virtual world introduction and learn about core ideas of IBM in games.
IBM-internally 5 virtual worlds have been set up for testing purposes and to see which worlds can do what. Some are more game oriented and some are more collaboration oriented.
Firmen, die sich aus SL zurueckgezogen haben, lassen sich inzwischen bevorzugt virtuelle Intranetwelten entwickeln.
Das Projekt Yle beschaeftigt sich mit der Verknuepfung von Avataren zwischen verschiedenen virtuellen Welten.
Ajaxworld and Volly are mobile browsers for SL.
Streams of real world events have added value because of a special sense of presence.
In brainstorming environments that are in virtual worlds disturbances can be eliminated or reduced.
Now the discussion turns to reality loss, critical aspects of simulations, added value of different forms of communication.

When peole start at IBM they get a virtual world introduction and learn about core ideas of IBM in games.
IBM-internally 5 virtual worlds have been set up for testing purposes and to see which worlds can do what. Some are more game oriented and some are more collaboration oriented.
Firmen, die sich aus SL zurueckgezogen haben, lassen sich inzwischen bevorzugt virtuelle Intranetwelten entwickeln.
Das Projekt Yle beschaeftigt sich mit der Verknuepfung von Avataren zwischen verschiedenen virtuellen Welten.
Ajaxworld and Volly are mobile browsers for SL.
Streams of real world events have added value because of a special sense of presence.
In brainstorming environments that are in virtual worlds disturbances can be eliminated or reduced.
Now the discussion turns to reality loss, critical aspects of simulations, added value of different forms of communication.
