Interview with a Nigeria-Spammer Part II

See also Part I: Interview with a Nigeria-Spammer

In Part II L. and I talk about how it would work if I woked with him, something he had offered me at the end of talk I.
In the end I 'come out' as a journalist and feared that he'd stop talking to me. But he likes the idea and wants to continue our conversation.

The chat transcript is again 100% un-edited. I promised a friend to provide an edited and German version of this later.

Part II

[20:45:53] Oliver Gassner : How would you work with a partner?
[20:47:27] l***s : u look for people there for me we share 50/50
[20:51:15] Oliver Gassner : I am wondering: Why would you not be cautious about the police?
[20:51:24] Oliver Gassner : You seemed pretty relaxed
[20:51:40] l***s : yes
[20:51:46] Oliver Gassner : How come?
[20:51:58] l***s : because your police can't come here
[20:52:21] Oliver Gassner : Well, yours can, right?
[20:52:24] l***s : my police will only collect a few dollars from me when they get me
[20:52:33] l***s : but no one can trace me
[20:52:36] Oliver Gassner : So you bribe them?
[20:52:49] l***s : yes
[20:52:52] Oliver Gassner : Can't they trace the money?
[20:53:04] l***s : they are involve in this revenge
[20:53:21] l***s : how they can't
[20:53:49] Oliver Gassner : Is the money not sent to you via a bank transfer? Or how do you get it?
[20:54:01] l***s : i was paid 30,000 yesterday
[20:54:08] l***s : western union
[20:54:23] l***s : 10 ,10 ,10
[20:54:30] l***s : i receive all
[20:55:04] l***s : i receive some by bank
[20:55:17] l***s : but the bank manager knows what i am doing
[20:55:36] l***s : i always give them 20% of everything i receive
[20:56:07] l***s : it's a glober netwrok thing
[20:56:28] l***s : i even have guys in your country that i can connet to u
[20:56:39] l***s : we are every where
[20:57:04] Oliver Gassner : You sure send a lot of mail ;) -- Is it a kind of MLM-Structure with tiers? Do you have a 'boss'? Or a 'downline'?
[20:57:32] l***s : yes
[20:58:19] Oliver Gassner : So your boss also gets a share?
[20:59:47] l***s : i am my own boss i only have co workers all around the world
[21:00:01] l***s : its an organised thing
[21:00:14] Oliver Gassner : Lat time you made the impression of a 'postcolonial Robin Hood', does anyone else besides the bank and the police profit from the money? Do you do any good with it?
[21:01:01] l***s : yes
[21:01:12] Oliver Gassner : Like?
[21:01:14] l***s : i use it to help my family
[21:01:23] l***s : give to orphans
[21:01:30] l***s : and the poor
[21:01:44] Oliver Gassner : I imagine AIDS is also a big problem.
[21:03:41] l***s : thats not what we are talking about now
[21:03:56] l***s : do u wish to work with me?
[21:05:35] Oliver Gassner : Well it seems that it is much harder here to keep the bank and the polife under control.
[21:05:41] Oliver Gassner : police
[21:05:57] l***s : thats no problem
[21:06:08] l***s : u will not be fully involve
[21:06:19] l***s : i can tell u your role
[21:06:27] Oliver Gassner : OK?
[21:06:58] l***s : so do u wish we work together?
[21:07:39] Oliver Gassner : Well it would have to be without risk for me or my family. So I cannot really say 'yes' without having the details. I'd rather stay out of this I guess.
[21:07:59] Oliver Gassner : I am more interested in understanding why you do what you do.
[21:08:06] l***s : i will tel u what to do
[21:08:17] Oliver Gassner : *Listening*
[21:08:19] l***s : no risk on ur end
[21:08:27] Oliver Gassner : How can that be?
[21:09:08] l***s : you will just be like a trustee
[21:09:24] Oliver Gassner : So the money goes through my account?
[21:09:53] l***s : if u want it can be but that will put u in truble
[21:10:16] Oliver Gassner : So how am I a trustee then?
[21:10:18] l***s : the money comes here i send your share to your account
[21:10:43] l***s : you ob will be to tell any one i contact to u that this is true
[21:10:44] Oliver Gassner : And what would I have to do for that?
[21:10:47] l***s : thats all
[21:11:38] l***s : u let them know that u have met with me and i show u everything
[21:11:56] l***s : your only problem is that u do not have money to finance it
[21:12:17] Oliver Gassner : Who them? Finance what?
[21:12:39] Oliver Gassner : Ah, ok so I would claim I am in contact with you and that I need the money t finance the transaction?
[21:12:41] l***s : finance the transaction
[21:13:11] Oliver Gassner : OK, I understand. But this way they know who I am.
[21:13:15] l***s : any body that fall into this in your country i will ask them to contact u
[21:13:27] l***s : yes
[21:13:41] l***s : but u will not be involved
[21:14:00] Oliver Gassner : Ehm? If they cvontact me I am not involved?
[21:14:05] l***s : it will look like if i also trick u
[21:14:42] Oliver Gassner : Hm, but if the third person goes to the police... and if the police checks my bank account...
[21:14:50] Oliver Gassner : I will have to think about this I guess.
[21:15:12] l***s : no money will pass your bank account
[21:15:26] l***s : i know what to do and how to do it
[21:15:41] Oliver Gassner : But if you opay me money from Africa will reach me. Suspicious. There is no real bank secret here.
[21:15:44] l***s : there will be no trace that will put u in truble
[21:15:47] Oliver Gassner : As my ancestors did not suffer from slavery I might wanna try honest work ;)
[21:16:02] l***s : i will pay trough western union
[21:16:10] l***s : there is no trace for that
[21:16:32] l***s : what do u do for a living now
[21:16:35] l***s : ?
[21:16:50] Oliver Gassner : But to receive money from WU I will have to give them my ID-Number from my state IDCard.
[21:17:02] Oliver Gassner : Journalism and communication consulting.
[21:17:17] l***s : wow
[21:17:40] l***s : so u are trying to get some information from me so that you can write about it
[21:17:47] l***s : thats very good
[21:17:51] l***s : i like that
[21:18:12] Oliver Gassner : You should try it. It's better than having to bribe the bak and the police ;)
[21:18:24] Oliver Gassner : I am glad you appreciate my strategy ;)
[21:18:49] Oliver Gassner : So you don't mind if I use the information I gained from you?
[21:19:27] l***s : its ok
[21:19:39] l***s : if u want more i can give
[21:19:47] Oliver Gassner : I am glad. I must say I was hesitant to be too open with you ;)
[21:19:57] l***s : but that will not help your people from falling into this
[21:20:31] Oliver Gassner : I have to stop for today. But if you'd approve me as a Skype-Contact I could see if you are online and ping you to continue our talk ;)
[21:20:50] l***s : it's like a purnishment for greedy people and also for slavery and those that have sin against their creator
[21:21:04] Oliver Gassner : I am sure it does not stop the greedy, but it will be extremely interesting for the ones who like insights into the 'real world'. :=
[21:21:15] l***s : i am always online
[21:21:21] l***s : i will not add you
[21:21:28] l***s : anytime u beep me
[21:21:34] Oliver Gassner : :) OK, need to stop for today, but I'd be glad to continue with this conversation.
[21:21:37] Oliver Gassner : OK ;)
[21:21:38] l***s : i am online 24 hrs
[21:21:50] l***s : ok bye my good friend
[21:21:52] Oliver Gassner : CU and good nigt ;)

Facebook Kommentare


Oliver Gassner hat gesagt…
Trackback: Interview with a Nigeria-Spammer
This is Part I, Part II is here. *** A Nigeria- or better: Ghana-Spammer contacted me by Skype. First I just tried to answer something that I always wanted to reply. (BTW I had already tried to alert the German police of earlier attmpts like this, th
Pierre Markuse hat gesagt…
Er scheint sich seiner Sache schon ziemlich sicher. Doch wenn er wirklich solch hohe Einnahmen hat, fällt das Bestechen der Behörden in einem Land mit eher niedrigen Einkommen natürlich auch leicht.
oliverg hat gesagt…
Ich frag mich eher ob der moch hochnimmt. er sagte im Nachklapp noch, dass er mir seinen vollen Namen sagen wolle, wenn ich einen Artikel schreiben würde.

So GANZ wohl war mir zwischendurch nicht, als er meinte er hätte Leute in Deutschland ;)

Und: Ich war überrascht, dass er mein 'coming out' so cool genommen hat ;)
Pierre Markuse hat gesagt…
Schwierig zu sagen. Ich könnte mir aber durchaus vorstellen, dass er kein Problem damit hat seinen Namen zu nennen. Es scheint ja sowieso jeder zu wissen, womit er sein Geld verdient. Ähnlich wie bei der Mafia in Italien, viele Mitglieder sind namentlich bekannt, wirklich ran kommt man aber nicht.

Zu den Leuten die er in Deutschland hat... Wenn demnächst zwei fremde "Herren" in schwarz auftauchen und freundlich fragen "Herr Gassner?" wäre ich vielleicht etwas vorsichtig. ;-)
oliver hat gesagt…
Ich frag mich halt ob bei Nigeria/Ghana-Spam nicht eh Interpol ermittelt? anderereseits: Wenn der Typ Chef eines internationalen Rings ist und NUR 100.000 im Jahr verdient... kommt mir komisch vor.
Phil hat gesagt…
Na, auf jeden Fall scheint er sehr sehr selbstsicher zu sein. Nur das er relaxed mit seiner Namensnennung umgeht und damit kein Problem hätte heisst ja nicht, daß das für ihn keinen Ärger nach sich ziehen kann/wird; viele Kriminelle sind ja sehr von ihrer Unantastbarkeit überzeugt (eigentlich sogar alle, sonst würden sie keine Verbrechen begehen). Wenn er dann noch die Erfahrung macht, dass er mit 10 Euro seine einheimische Polizei loszuwerden wird da vielleicht wirklich ein wenig fahrlässig.
Die Unschlüssigkeit mit 100.000 als "Kopf" einer Organisation würde ich nicht mal zwangsweise so sehen; erstens kann er natürlich auch mal ein wenig "aufschneiden", eventuell ist er ja nur "Bereichsleiter" oder "Regionalleiter" und macht sich wichtig... oder er zahlt 80% seiner Einnahmen gleich wieder an Bestechungsgeldern aus.

Solche Typen sind ja immer ein wenig seltsam, ich glaube wenn man isolierte Aussagen betrachtet ist es wirklich schwierig, den Wahrheitsgehalt abschliessend zu beurteilen, das wird wahrscheinlich erst nach einigen längeren Unterhaltungen möglich...

Oder wir machen mal nen Leserausflug und besuchen ihn... ;-)
Oliver Gassner hat gesagt…
So, ic sammle Fragen für die nächste Interviewrunde. Bitte als KOmmentare hier rein, danke ;)
Mike hat gesagt…
Sehr Interessant dieses Interview, hatte auch schon das erste Interview gelesen. Schon erstaunlich alles, das er doch so viel erzählt.
Burghard hat gesagt…
Naja solche Selbstdarstellungen sind immer mit vorsicht zu genießen. Trodem danke für den Beitrag : )

[Werbelink entfernt. OG]
Oliver Gassner hat gesagt…
Trackback: Talking to Issac: Skypeing with Ghana -- again.
Well, I had these weird conversation with a Skype-based Ghana “Nigeria spammer” who wanted to do business with me, but I lost him (I am lnking to the old “interviews” below. Now soemone else contacted me. Isaac. The first talk w