John Kelley: Statistics of the Blogoshphere

Das Bild dieses Artikels zeigt ein 3d Modell der dt. Blogosphere.

- bondaries are gone
- compley global and local networks
- legacy media are still central
- in 10 yeasras the blogosphere will expand by factor 10.

The blogoshere represents the interest structure of the digital public.

Eah national blogoshere looks different.

Blob sizes represent the number of incoming links, closeness imply ??: link frequency, color are similar topics.

Blogger link to ppl of the same opinion: partisan linking.

Progressive bloggers link to NGOs.

Links to newssites peak very fast. While lonks to wikipeadia take sometimes 250+ days to peak.

Youtume has somtimes content that goes viral/peaks fast, sometimes peaks only slowly.

(Very cool visualization of viral videos.)

Global Blogospheres.
US has millions
iran 60.0000
afghan 6000

- mixed
- politics / religious

Most secular reformists are NOT blocked.

Globally: wikipeia links and youtube links are as frequently linked as the bbc.

New in iran: "cyberShi'a"

(I'll skip afghan.)

Cultural spaces are mor importantthan nation. Afgh and Iran is closely linked.

5 seperate groups.
People are blogging inside platforms and do hardly interlink.

US bloggers are 'mediators' between mainstream media.

Russia: mainstream media do not use soaicl media so much, the bloggers focus on a search engine: yandex.

(I'll skip arabic blogs)

German Blogosphere:

blue: taz und sueddeutsche

different groups focus on diff. News and blog sources.

plitik und antideutsch

die topblogger sind im bereich tech und politik.

Everybody links to spiegel. (and youtube)

Bloggers are driving the attention to MSM.

Videos go viral at the same time in us and Germany.

Summary: analysis of lining structure can lead to a transparen networked public sphere.

Conpany: morganside analytics

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