seth: "What would happen if trade shows devoted half a day to 'projects'? Put multi-disciplinary teams of ten people together and give them three hours to create something of value. " -- Maybe there is a project ahead where I'd have the chance to do/foster somethig like that. - oliverg
Das klingt net: die "Wunderfrage" klärt, was die Ergebnisse sind, die Teilnehmende wirklich erwarten.
Spannender wäre es ja noch eine Art Index zu kreieren, der Views/Video bzw. Views/Monat seit Start, bzw. temporale und quantitatoive steigerungsraten berücksichtigen würde,
I gues this might also be used for spamming, some twitter automation like following based on keywords.
tool for audiotwittering, with iphone app
Gute Strategie um das Schreibtischchaos zu bändigen - wenn es sich mal festgesetzt hat.
Another way to post audiomessages by twitter
A message is translated from Phone to text w/ a link to the audiofile
1. Dial 1-877-TWEET-CALL
2. Speak your tweet
3. Your voice is transcribed and posted to Twitter as text!
Before using TweetCall, please log in to associate a PIN number with your account for security purposes.
Facebook is growing at a fast rate these days, with hundreds of new applications, scripts and Firefox add-ons driving that growth. We’ve picked out the leading browser extensions, desktop applications, Greasemonkey scripts and Facebook apps - more than 150 in all.