Openeverything: a global series of events #rp09

Openeverything is a series of "openness" events.
Openness is no longer a niche phenomenon. Open principles are applied in different areas and are changing practices and assumptions.

It started in Toronto. London, Singapore, Nerlin, Hong Kong, Capetown.

It was at the newthinking store in October or November, noe there is a series of events.

Not everything needs to be open, but open concepts arte explored.

(og: I am wondering ifthis would be a good concept for a series of events in Stuttgart.)

Now a lit of "openness events" at re:publica.

Openness is an unexpected consequence of the digital.

It is better in speed, cost and scale(ability).

Use leads to articipation
copy and share leads to community
study leas to trannnsparaency.
remix leads to (?) remixability.

Open source design: Ronen Kadushin (tables) or Cecilia Palmer (clothing). open video archive, use and remix,

open moon: open source spaceshuttle and robots are sent to the moon. Incrrase quality and foster innovation.

Open hardware:
open stadards, compatibility, allows for hacking

open source software on Africa:
- add local value
- entry for small businesses
- locally adapted systems

open government:
open melbourne

open access:
- science
- public sector information
- open cultural heritage information

net neutrality
open event formats (like barcamps and openeverything)

- emancypatory
- brings other then monetarty incentives into the game
- efficiency by building on the work of others
- personal development
- increase in creative expression
- increased potential for solving complex political, social, economic challenges.

do we need:
more tools?
Different funding?
Empowered individuals? (isaac mao)

"what do you wanr to share today?"

(now there is some experimenting and interaction etc.)

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