(all quotes donejust roughly and in gist)
After a hiatus of not being at Programme | NEXT, Next 11 is again a liveblogging event for me. I had the honor to be host to some international bloggers from Austria, Turkey & Serbia.
Pep Rosenfeld: We are here to talk about Data and why we love it. (And some jokes about the IWF-Boss arrested on New York: "France has been screwing Africa for many years."
Monique van Dusseldorp, curator of the international track - usuing 'tsunami' in a metaphor I thnk is unacceptable, Monique.
There is a livestream:
Rolf Schmidt-Holtz (Hanse Ventures): Why start at 9 o'clock? Something is wrong with the internet. Enjoy Berlin and confoirm your prejudice about German Startups.
You cannot end data: 60+% of Germans would prefer to delete all personal dfata of them from the web.
Data is growing rapidly, that makes a symmetric relationship to individuals complicated.
We have a long distance relationship to (our) data.
Today everyone with an internet connection can be a journalist.
Diversity of information has increased.
The big players deciode on the how and where infrmation flows andf have access to data users do not disclose (intentionally).
But not only the good guys use the net, infromation can lack in authenticity or be fake.
Next11 brings tgeher veratives, bloggers and ppl who do e-commerce.
Mattis Schrader:
We have 155 speakers. We put so much enegry in this because as agencies we exist to undersnd consumers. And the internet changes the relationship beween conmsumers and our clients. What is happening now and how will this chjange the future?
The unique approch is to bring together bloggers, agenecuies, ecommerce and others.
The change is happening now. and it is getting disruptive. The moxed relationship many ppl hgave with data needs some attention.
About 60% of the ppl present (?) had a C64 in the 80ies.
Czernobyl was a data accident; the was no data about the radiation. So Schrader and his friends connected to a mailbox network (acoustic copplers were illegal in germany by then) and posted their radiation measurements and could predit radiation spread. Good things wll come of data. The networks need to be organized. Back then this was a network for nerds. This was 25 years ago.
Now 30 iphones are made every 10 seconbds. One iPhone has the computing power of 30.000 C64s (?). an Iphone has more computing power than the rayII, the powercomputer of the 80ies.
The Generation 64 lives in the SF fantasies of their youth.
We have an explosion of data nopw and need to manage the data. But:
"If you empower your comsumers with data they will love you."
Case I: Make predictions of shoe size thus optimizing for a lower return rate.
Case II: Tuifly is now a travel platform, no longer just an airline.
Data protection and privacy are part of the core of the brand.
But personal data is just data 1.0 (incl credit card)
Networks of data are important: LOcation, etc. they can create new insights and profit.
Our goal: Empower the conmsumer with data. They willlove you for it.
After a hiatus of not being at Programme | NEXT, Next 11 is again a liveblogging event for me. I had the honor to be host to some international bloggers from Austria, Turkey & Serbia.
Pep Rosenfeld: We are here to talk about Data and why we love it. (And some jokes about the IWF-Boss arrested on New York: "France has been screwing Africa for many years."
Monique van Dusseldorp, curator of the international track - usuing 'tsunami' in a metaphor I thnk is unacceptable, Monique.
There is a livestream:
Rolf Schmidt-Holtz (Hanse Ventures): Why start at 9 o'clock? Something is wrong with the internet. Enjoy Berlin and confoirm your prejudice about German Startups.
You cannot end data: 60+% of Germans would prefer to delete all personal dfata of them from the web.
Data is growing rapidly, that makes a symmetric relationship to individuals complicated.
We have a long distance relationship to (our) data.
Today everyone with an internet connection can be a journalist.
Diversity of information has increased.
The big players deciode on the how and where infrmation flows andf have access to data users do not disclose (intentionally).
But not only the good guys use the net, infromation can lack in authenticity or be fake.
Next11 brings tgeher veratives, bloggers and ppl who do e-commerce.
Mattis Schrader:
We have 155 speakers. We put so much enegry in this because as agencies we exist to undersnd consumers. And the internet changes the relationship beween conmsumers and our clients. What is happening now and how will this chjange the future?
The unique approch is to bring together bloggers, agenecuies, ecommerce and others.
The change is happening now. and it is getting disruptive. The moxed relationship many ppl hgave with data needs some attention.
About 60% of the ppl present (?) had a C64 in the 80ies.
Czernobyl was a data accident; the was no data about the radiation. So Schrader and his friends connected to a mailbox network (acoustic copplers were illegal in germany by then) and posted their radiation measurements and could predit radiation spread. Good things wll come of data. The networks need to be organized. Back then this was a network for nerds. This was 25 years ago.
Now 30 iphones are made every 10 seconbds. One iPhone has the computing power of 30.000 C64s (?). an Iphone has more computing power than the rayII, the powercomputer of the 80ies.
The Generation 64 lives in the SF fantasies of their youth.
We have an explosion of data nopw and need to manage the data. But:
"If you empower your comsumers with data they will love you."
Case I: Make predictions of shoe size thus optimizing for a lower return rate.
Case II: Tuifly is now a travel platform, no longer just an airline.
Data protection and privacy are part of the core of the brand.
But personal data is just data 1.0 (incl credit card)
Networks of data are important: LOcation, etc. they can create new insights and profit.
Our goal: Empower the conmsumer with data. They willlove you for it.