LeWeb 2011 theme announced - YouTube
LAst year was my first year at LeWeb.
I'll be back this year as an official blogger again.
Loic and Geraldine LeMeur are accouncing the topic here: SoLoMo.
An excellent topic I think because it sketches the intersection of the hottest stuff that is current hapening in Web innovation:
The combination of the Social web (sites), mobile trechnology and a new way to see our local environment with Google Places, Facebook Places, Gowalla, Foursquare and geotagged anything and everything.
Will there be cool startups in this space at LeWeb this year? I hope with utter confidence.
Will there be cool speakers from Europe and abroad? I know.
Will it be another great oppotuinity to network with bloggers, geeks, entrepreneurs and nice persons from all over the globe? I am sure.
Last year I met someone from Greece at LeWeb and this has led to
- 2 customers in Greece
- one customer in Poland
So LeWeb even made my little business European (wiethou me going there with this intention...). It can do far more helpful impulse for web innovation in Europe as a whole. And it is of course the cooles blogger event in europe to be at (right besides re:publica in Germany (more: digital culture, politics) and very few others that are really BLOG oriented ;) ).