Barcamp Bodensee / Lake Constance 2012- Final words #bcbs12

Well, I got only positive feedback. Thanks ;)

We had 209 people signed up (for Saturday, some only came on Sunday, so we had slightly more) and 170 present which makes for a no-show of less than 20% (I calcluated 25% and was lucky that we ran out of food only on Friday we was excelletly compensated by our premeditated "secret family-pizza plan".

We also ran out of beer (not Radler, we had 2/3 of a carrier left) and all softdrinks and water. There was plenty of tea, Delsecco and juice left, though ;)
Here we had a transport volume limit and we will have to take care of this in another way next year.

Stuff I am happy about:
- We were CO2-negative
- We had bikes again (although they were rarely used cause of the rain.)
- we had more Youth Hostel beds than ever (2* 50 beds)
- We had CO2 neutral and cash-reduced rail tickets
- We had more nations present than ever. (Moldova, Uzbekistan, Tadjikistan, Russia, Serbia, France, Austria, Switzerland and Germany)
- Except for the (biological) wine, and maybe tea and the Mangos in the energy drink, we had only drinks that were produced in Baden-Württemberg and mostly less than 50 km away.
- The team and the helpers worked so well that I could enjoy the camp as anyone else (I am stubborn there and feel that this is necessary ;) )
- We had an article in the local newspaper which might and should open the door for future reporting.

Thanks to the team and to the participants. You know ho you are.

Please feel free to add any feedback you want to share.

Other feedback I noted (German only):
- Sessionzettel mindestens A5
- Twittername auf Nametag (oder Platz dafür)
- Dedicated Etherpads für jede Session (EtherTeam?)
- Videostreaming/Recording f. Sessions, wo der Speaker nix dagegen hat (Videoteam, 10 Webcams 1000 EUR?) (2/Session wegen Ausfall, Ustream/Blog)
- Newsletter immer auch ins Forum und (indiziert?) verlinken auf einem A-Z auf Startseite
- Fahrradverleih besser kommunizieren
- Juhe-Wäsche 'sichern'. (22h?)
- PR besser (wie?)
- Beachvolleyballturnier am Abend (Fr, Sa) bei gutem Wetter
- 6-7-8 Tracks!
- Steckerleisten mit bcbs beschriften um verwechslungen zu vermeiden.
- mehr Radler (1 kasten übrig)
- mehr Bier (0 Übrig)
- mehr Wasser 0 übrig
- [2012: 40 all in all kisten (?)]
- 35-40 l Milch (wenn 50 Müsli + Kaffee)
- Tee, Wasserkocher (1 schwarz, 1 Früchte, 1 Kräuter?)
- Zeit zw. Sessionankündigungen uns Sessions zu kurz (1. Zeitscheibe via Mikro ankündigen, wenig Platz vor dem Board)
- Funkmikro
- besser auf Logobeschriftung des Polos achten ;)
- Make a twitterlist (Will try to do this for this year...)

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Daniela hat gesagt…
Schade, wäre gerne wieder dabei, aber der Weg ist dieses Jahr einfach zu weit. Viel Spaß aber!
Oliver hat gesagt…
Also wir hatten Leute aus HH und Berlin da ;)