OK guys, some liveblkogging coming in from: NEXT Berlin | Leading. European. Digital
Livestream is at: http://nextberlin.eu/livestream/
All quotes only rougly correct.
IFTF: Marina Gorbis

Paul Baran: 1964: on Distrubited Communications.
What happens (in communication) in case of a nuclear attack?
Before: Centralzed Communication
-> Create a highly distributed system.
The Internet.
But we have created more than just another communication network.
Our Technologies re-invent us (McLuhan)
"Here comes Everybody" (Clay Shirky)
We are in a 2 curve framework:
- The incumbent curve (infrastructure) -> on the demise
- a new curve, anascent curve: a new way of doing thiungs, there are signals of this.
= sociallstructured creation:
socialstructing =
"creating andaggreganting micro contributions using social tools and technologies"
OG: It is the sopcial equivaltent of the distrubuted structureof the Internet
It's about connecting people into a nnetwork
I. socialstructed work
Only since 200 years do we do production inlarge units.
This is not the only way to organize.
Why did we doit?
Ronald Coase 1937, The nature of the Firm: Why do we need (large) organizations.
When you scale production you habe to manage many resources and lots of peole. and you have to hire managers and increase managing/transaction ciosts to minimize production costs.
This is disrupted now.
Institutions area technlogy. and it is being desctructed.
- odesk: platform to post tasks and aybodyin the world can respondand do the task
You can find the best person globally to do a task.
- Science Hack Day
* 48 hours
* ppl with sleeping bags
* self organized into teams
* don't have to be scientists
* produce prototypes etc.
* e.g. software that makes music from data from nuclear accelerators
* no jobtitles or assignments
- biocurious
Hackerspace for biotech
* bootstrapped
* crowdfunded
* membership organization for interested ppl
II. Socialstructed Learning
We best remember socially embedded information.
Infromation permeates ourenvironment. It moves out of the classroom or he library.
"hypercities": see the past of a city 100 years ago.
Leafsnap: take aphoto of a leaf and get all the information about theleaaf/tree
From institutions to learning flows: The information is out there.
How do you attract ppl to dip into thisknowledge pool?
III. Socialstructed Governance
deakling with governance is a very educational experience: you have to collet and evaluate infromation.
We have outsourced citizenship to experts.
Comparewhat we do to what Athes did in ancient times: PPl were required to serve in governance functoipns, or all 6000 voters had to come together to vote on certain issues.
This is changing back, we talke back contril of our citizenship, we collect data and contribute.
la montre verte in Paris collects pollution data.
Witness collects documentation of hman rights abuses.
US has models to allocate budgets
Analyze your enegry use/investment.
-> decision support tools
Opinion Space
"What should Hillary Clinton focus on" -> ppl are more united than they thnbk
Magnetic South, NZ, http://magneticsouth.net.nz/
App that calls ppl to deliver CPR help
"governance beyond government": engage more
"Governance Future Lab", April 26th-27th 2013: reConstitutional Convention
We don't have solutions, we need to be experimenting.
-> we are reshaping our society with "transformational products".(Hassenzahl)
We need "urgent optimism" to make this come true: do things proactively.
Livestream is at: http://nextberlin.eu/livestream/
All quotes only rougly correct.
IFTF: Marina Gorbis

Paul Baran: 1964: on Distrubited Communications.
What happens (in communication) in case of a nuclear attack?
Before: Centralzed Communication
-> Create a highly distributed system.
The Internet.
But we have created more than just another communication network.
Our Technologies re-invent us (McLuhan)
"Here comes Everybody" (Clay Shirky)
We are in a 2 curve framework:
- The incumbent curve (infrastructure) -> on the demise
- a new curve, anascent curve: a new way of doing thiungs, there are signals of this.
= sociallstructured creation:
socialstructing =
"creating andaggreganting micro contributions using social tools and technologies"
OG: It is the sopcial equivaltent of the distrubuted structureof the Internet
It's about connecting people into a nnetwork
I. socialstructed work
Only since 200 years do we do production inlarge units.
This is not the only way to organize.
Why did we doit?
Ronald Coase 1937, The nature of the Firm: Why do we need (large) organizations.
When you scale production you habe to manage many resources and lots of peole. and you have to hire managers and increase managing/transaction ciosts to minimize production costs.
This is disrupted now.
Institutions area technlogy. and it is being desctructed.
- odesk: platform to post tasks and aybodyin the world can respondand do the task
You can find the best person globally to do a task.
- Science Hack Day
* 48 hours
* ppl with sleeping bags
* self organized into teams
* don't have to be scientists
* produce prototypes etc.
* e.g. software that makes music from data from nuclear accelerators
* no jobtitles or assignments
- biocurious
Hackerspace for biotech
* bootstrapped
* crowdfunded
* membership organization for interested ppl
II. Socialstructed Learning
We best remember socially embedded information.
Infromation permeates ourenvironment. It moves out of the classroom or he library.
"hypercities": see the past of a city 100 years ago.
Leafsnap: take aphoto of a leaf and get all the information about theleaaf/tree
From institutions to learning flows: The information is out there.
How do you attract ppl to dip into thisknowledge pool?
III. Socialstructed Governance
deakling with governance is a very educational experience: you have to collet and evaluate infromation.
We have outsourced citizenship to experts.
Comparewhat we do to what Athes did in ancient times: PPl were required to serve in governance functoipns, or all 6000 voters had to come together to vote on certain issues.
This is changing back, we talke back contril of our citizenship, we collect data and contribute.
la montre verte in Paris collects pollution data.
Witness collects documentation of hman rights abuses.
US has models to allocate budgets
Analyze your enegry use/investment.
-> decision support tools
Opinion Space
"What should Hillary Clinton focus on" -> ppl are more united than they thnbk
Magnetic South, NZ, http://magneticsouth.net.nz/
App that calls ppl to deliver CPR help
"governance beyond government": engage more
"Governance Future Lab", April 26th-27th 2013: reConstitutional Convention
We don't have solutions, we need to be experimenting.
-> we are reshaping our society with "transformational products".(Hassenzahl)
We need "urgent optimism" to make this come true: do things proactively.